Jul 6

Live Life Happy

What is happiness?

Sharing his often arduous, life journey, as a young boy that never quite fit in and was a target for cruel bullies to reaching a black belt in Martial Arts, winning three consecutive World Titles. In later years becoming the successful serial entrepreneur that he is today – Gordon’s story is something of an inspiration.

One main driving force for him throughout his challenges was his desire to discover precisely what happiness meant for himself. After the loss of his dear dad in 2019, who was his aspirational role model, Gordon was compelled to ask deeper soul searching questions about what happiness really is and how does one find it.

In this motivational and life-changing book, he uncovers all of the aspects of happiness that has helped to transform his life and those of his clients to live a fulfilled and joyous life.


You can read my full story here, from when I was ten years old and what happened to me. I was admitted to a psychiatric unit at fifteen and continued to suffer throughout my adult life with feelings of self-hatred, fear, darkness and not knowing who I was. I used addictions to help me to cope on the outside when the inside was chaotic. I finally found my healing and had a burning desire to share this with the universe to give love, hope and inspiration to others in pain.

Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass

Anton Chekhov