Apr 16
Amazing Things That Are Helping Me Right Now
Amazing things that are helping me right now that may help you too!
1. Self-expression – this is non-negotiable and I do this through writing, speaking, sharing. Massively cathartic and always has been.
2. Feeling – feeling the feels but not allowing myself to dwell. Big difference.
3. Visualisation – one of my favourite pastimes. I focus my mind on what I desire, what I aim for, what inspires me greatly and I feel it using every one of my senses. This transports me into a magic space and having the ability to see what is not already created.
4. Coffee – pah, goes without a descriptionÂ
5. Reflection – remembering the hardest times of my life BUT then how I got past those and then cheer myself on!
6. Self-encouragement – celebrating my wins, giving myself pats on the back for achieving anything that I set out to do. Being a great friend to myself.
7. Inspirational content from others – great books (always bloody awesome!) motivational podcasts, series, films.
8. Music that speaks to my soul and lifts me higher and higher!
9. Edible treats. Little things to look forward to (yes they sometimes lead to bigger things but right now I am not pressuring myself on this front) the two-finger KitKat last week with a coffee made all of the difference!
10. My clients – being able to serve and support others is about the best way to create great feelings and wellbeing. Then celebrating their wins – always phenomenal!
11. Awesome films and dramas. Thank god Netflix – I adore you more than ever.
12. My son. Having his beautiful company is wonderful. I missed him so much while at uni but gradually got used to the separation. This is such beautiful quality time right now.
13. Laughing! See the above point. We laugh as much as possible, often about the things we “shouldn’t” giggle at. Friday Night Dinner CH4 10pm on Fridays makes an excellent start.
14. Walking. That daily walk offers a time to reflect and come up with creative ideas. And walks off some surplus energy.
15. Feeling gratitude for all that we have and feeling it deeply.
16. Wine. At weekends, one bottle over two nights max.
17. Structure – keeping to structured days. Monday – Friday I’ve not allowed to change much aside from working from a coffee shop. This is keeping my sanity in check.
18. Self-hypnosis and meditation – readily available for anyone online.
19. The law of attraction – even during crisis this will always play out. What you focus on you receive more of. So my focus is on people to serve, holidays, love, excitement, joy – as much as possible (without denying my feelings that are not so positive as per number 2).
20. Purpose. Massive – the reason that inspires you behind everything in your life that leads you to do what you do, feel what you feel, think what you think.
There’s many more but it has to end somewhere. Hope this inspires you in some wayÂ